UKPSF Conference 2016 – Notice

Please find below the notice of motions and agenda for the 2016 AGM.

In addition there are copies of the draft policies for approval, and the forms for formal sport recognition & the Leeds Beckett proposal. 


UK Paintball Sports Federation

Notice of nominations and motions

Annual General Meeting at 10am on 10 March 2016

At the Jury’s Inn Hotel, East Midlands Airport


No nominations for election as members of the Council, nor motions for consideration by the AGM, were received by the deadline of 10am on 1 March 2016.

The motions before the meeting will therefore be:

1)    to approve the actions of the Council since the AGM of 2015

2)    to approve the annual report and accounts

3)    to approve the draft Complaints Procedure

4)    to approve the draft Child Protection Policy

5)    to approve the draft Equality and Diversity Policy

6)    to adopt the foregoing into the Constitution, Code of Practice for Site Operators and Code of Conduct for Players.

Copies of the draft policies referred to above are attached for your consideration ahead of the AGM.

By way of explanation for introducing the above policies, having such policies in place are general good practice and in line with both statutory requirements and the expectation of many client groups, including local authorities, schools, scouts and other.

Furthermore, they are all policies that the governing bodies of sports are expected to have in place by Sport England and hence are an important component of any application that may be made for formal sport recognition.

The agenda for the AGM is as follows:

1)    Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 18 March 2015.

2)    Matters arising (where not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda)

3)    Chair’s Report on the affairs of the UKPSF since the last AGM

4)    Treasurer’s Report

5)    Election of officers (no nominations having been received the existing Council members shall remain the incumbents)

6)    Motions for approval (as above)

7)    Making application to Sport England for formal sports recognition (copies of pre-application and full application forms attached, and a proposal for research to support the application from Leeds Beckett University)

8)    Membership

9)    Any Other Business.

Bob Schofield

Chair, UKPSF                                                              2 March 2016


Please click below to view documents to be approved at the AGM.

Leeds Becket Project proposal 

Sport Recognition Pre-Application

Sport Recognition Full Application Form

UKPSF Complaints Policy

UKPSF Child Protection Policy

UKPSF Equality and Diversity Policy

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