First Strike Rounds (FSR) Update – Crowdfunding



The UKPSF are pleased to annouce that after discussion with Laurence Coetser of Magfedpbuk Ltd, there wil now be testing for the FSR. Laurence is funding the ballistics testing, but has also created a Crowdfunding page to raise the some of the funds. 

For those that would like to see FSR used in the future we would ask that you consider donating to the Crowdfunding page in support of the saftey testing, so that they might be deemed safe and “frangable” for use on UK Paintball fields. 

Click this link to be directed to the Crowfunding page.

“We are Magfedpbuk the only Magfed Only paintball store in the U.K. We have arranged to have the First Strike rounds tested at a UK MOD ballistic testing site to prove that the FS rounds are safe to use on U.K. Paintball fields. 
We have the backing of the UKPSF to do the testing and they will gladly support and recommend fields to allow to use the rounds again if testing shows it to be safe to use. They as much as us hope that the testing will show the rounds to safe to use as it is an important part of the Magfed paintball community. 
Most companies manufacture Magfed paintball makers to shoot FSR and make accessories that make it possible to shoot FSR better in most makers. 
Not having the fields on-board to allow the FSR to be used has had a big impact on the Magfed paintball community and has stopped a lot of new players coming into the sport and has had a mayor effect on the retail sector in the U.K.  
I have taken on myself and my company to have the FS rounds tested for the paintball community in the UK to yes help my store sell more product but to give all players the pleasure and the advantage that FS rounds bring to the sport and the game. 
Anyone that has shot the rounds can tell you how great they are and how they can change the dynamic of the game. 
We’re hoping to raise £1,500 to cover half the cost of ballistic testing of First Strike rounds to settle the question of frangibility and show FSR are safe to use on UK paintball fields. Just a small donation from those who love paintball and the Magfed game will see us hit the target and help safeguard the future if the sport we love. Please donate and share the appeal on Facebook in paintball groups.

Testing takes place on the 6th December and results will be available soon after which will make a nice Christmas present for the paintball community.” 


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