AGM Notice – Call for nominations 2016/17


Posted on: 8th February 2016

By: Bob Schofield

UK Paintball Sports Federation, Annual General meeting 2016

Notice is hereby given in accordance with the constitution of the above Federation that its Annual General Meeting will be held at 10am on Thursday March 10, 2016 at the Jury’s Inn Hotel, East Midlands Airport.

All members in good standing (that is, with valid current memberships) shall be entitled to attend the AGM and to vote on such matters as are to be determined by a vote of the membership.

Notice is also hereby given of a CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for the posts to be subject to election at the AGM.

The officer posts are:
• Chair (incumbent: Bob Schofield)
• Treasurer (incumbent: Jock McCracken)
• Secretary (incumbent: Kayleigh Stanton)

The sub-committee posts, representing various aspects of paintball, are:
• Player: (Incumbents: Eric Bell, James Gregory. Standing down: Craig Pattison).
• Sites: (Incumbents: Don Logan, Ainsley Baddely)
• Trade: (Incumbents: Anthony Leadbetter, Fraser Colley, Tim Taylor)

Any member in good standing may be nominated for any of the above posts subject to:
1) the nominated member being willing to stand;
2) the nominated member being proposed and seconded by members in good standing;
3) the post for which the nominated member is to be considered being stated;
4) the nominated member providing a statement* in support of their nomination;
5) the Chair receiving the nomination by email to by 10 am on Monday 1 March 2016.

A list of such valid nominations together with their proposer, seconder and statement in support, shall be published by Tuesday 2 March 2016 on the Federation’s web-site and Facebook page.

Incumbent council members will automatically be considered nominees, without requirement for a proposer and seconder. Where posts are uncontested incumbent members will continue in their roles without the requirement of a vote.

Members unable to attend the AGM may cast their votes electronically by emailing their preferences to not later than 12 noon on Monday 7 March 2016.

*The purpose of the statement in support of a nomination is to assist those unable to attend the AGM and who are casting a vote by email.

Business & Resolutions at this Annual General Meeting of the UKPSF

The business to be conducted at the AGM to be held at 10am on Thursday 10 March 2016 shall include:
1) Receive and approve/amend the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 2015
2) Address by the President or Chair
3) Report on the general conditions and activities of the UKPSF in 2015/16.
4) Presentation and adoption of Audited Accounts
4) Resolutions
a) to endorse the actions of the Council during 2015/16
5) Election of members of the Council of the UKPSF & honorary members (if any)
6) Appointment of the Auditor for the ensuing year
7) Any other resolutions of the Council, such resolutions to be included in the notice of nominees for council posts.

8) Any resolutions sent to by 12 Noon on Monday March 1, 2016 that are proposed and seconded by members in good-standing, as provided in the constitution.

No business shall be conducted in the AGM other than that described above.

Open forum
An open forum discussion will be held after the AGM. The purpose of the open forum is to give all members an opportunity to raise such matters as are of interest/concern to them and thereby inform the work of the Council during 2016/17.

Bob Schofield

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